Legend: * denotes equal authorship
Chaired Symposia and Conference Talks
- Wang, J. J., (2024). A Descriptive Study Exploring Trends in General Education Teacher Experience for Students with Disabilities. Society for Research on Education Effectiveness, Baltimore, MD
- Zagata, E., Mancilla-Martinez, J., Oh, M. H., & Wang, J. J., (2024). Representation of Linguistically Diverse Students in Gifted and Talented Services: 2006-2019 Tennessee Trends. Association for Education Finance and Policy, Baltimore, MD
- Wang, J. J. & Vaughn, S., (2024) Future of NCSER: Recommendation from the field. Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA
- Wang, J., Redford, L., & Ratliff, K.A. (2017). Learning disability recommendations differ for Asian American and White students. Student Research Conference, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Boston, MA.
Organized Panels and Workshops
- Wang, J. J., Johnson, L. J. (2024) Equity by Design: Integrating Criticality Principles in Special Education Research. Speakers: Drs. Mildred Boveda, Taucia González, Rebecca A. Cruz, Sehrish Shikarpurya. Society for Research on Education Effectiveness, Baltimore, MD
- Wang, J. J. & Wriston, B. (2024) Act Now: Supporting Students of Color with Disabilities. Speakers: Phoebe Ball, Lindsay Kubatzky, AJ Link, Dr. Ashley L. White. The Education Trust Equity Matters Bootcamp: Advocates in Action. Washington, D.C.
Poster Presentations
- Wang, J. J., (2024) Does student disability identification predict teacher experience? A nationally representative study. Association for Education Finance and Policy, Baltimore, MD
- Wang, J. J. & Vaughn, S., (2024) Future of NCSER: Recommendation from the field. Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA
- Joshi, B., Wang, J. J., & Ahn, P., (2024) The Effects of English-Language Vocabulary Acquisition for English Learners Receiving Instruction in Their First Language. Pacific Coast Research Conference, San Diego, CA
- Wang, J. J. & Johnson, L., (2023) Comorbid Language-Based Learning Disabilities. OSEP Combined Leaders and Project Directors Conference, Washington, DC
- Wang, J. J., Mancilla-Martinez, J., & Yuan, R., (2023) Dynamic Assessments for Language Impairment Identification for Spanish-English Background Students, Council for Exceptional Children, Louisville, KY